I am thankful for all the help I received during my time in Boston. Michael Wales lent me his boat and oars, Charlie Butt permitted me to use the Harvard Boathouse to train, Andrew Hashway helped me find some training partners and transportation, and David Smith hooked me up with a place to crash. Of course, it would not have been financially possible without my parents' help as well.
I am using a Sykes M20 for the next race. I am not familiar with the hull, but I have rowed and raced in Sykes in the past and like their feel. This boat is a little big for me, to the tune of 20 kilos, but it rows well enough. If I have a bad piece, it won't because I have too much wetted surface area! Had a solid row in it this morning and I am looking forward to feeling it out over the next couple of days and testing it in the heats.
The rest of the SRC gang and some guests from Potomac show up over the next couple of days, then we race!