
Early season training session, Fall 2009

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pieces again with RBC

I had taken the last few mornings to sleep in and catch the 8-10 hours of snooze time to which I had become accustomed this Summer. However, today I arose at 5 to meet the RBC guys for some race-pace pieces, varying from 250 to 1500 in length. It was pretty solid, and a few of those pieces, I would rank as my best in 4 months. The 1500 was, both technically and in terms of pacing, probably the best I have done on the water in a while. I had that burning lung feeling that I associate with an all-out erg 2K. The kind of effort where, between the good water and good rowing, you are able to dig all the way to the bottom of your gut and pull out speed that You did not even know you had. We also had a 500 in there at the end that was solid for me too, and the closest I have been to Hashway since I started training with him. I opted to go low and long, and was understroking the rest of the guys by 3-4 beats while still moving away. It felt amazing.

Gorgeous day in Boston today, currently 73 and sunny with a predicted high of 79. Not planning on rowing again, trying to boost recovery so that I can feel great for these hard morning workout this close to race day. Might bike a bit, very lightly. Weight has been climbing a pound in the last few weeks since I left 8+ camp - I still have several more to go before I hit max, but I like to keep it in check, just in case.