So what is on the itinerary today? I started with a solo, easy steady state row to the tune of 15K. I slept in until 6:00, a pleasant treat, and took my time getting ready. Prior to my row, and after a small breakfast, I weighed in at 149.6 lbs. That is exactly what I am looking for - less than a pound of sweating to get to 2x weight without any drastic measure or extreme dieting. I think, perhaps, the stress of travel this Summer has cause my weight to drop off quite a bit. And while the 2x is not a sure thing yet, it is nice to have the option and still feel great.
Next step: get my affairs in order to travel to Princeton with Hashway. Laundry, derig, pack, and a light workout to include little more than a warm-up, light calisthenics, and a stretch. Long drive tomorrow and I probably won't have a chance to row when we get to Princeton as the course will likely be closed by the time we get there.
There are 13 entries in the light 1x. That is the most heavily subscribed event at Trials this year. So at least two races for everyone, and more for the strong. My goal is to make a semi-final, with a reach goal being to make it to the final. I can think of a few guys in the event who are very strong and have a history of out-racing me, but I have picked up a fair amount of power and finesse this Summer, so I am hoping to jump a couple spots up the ladder.